Constellation of Leo the Lion |
 Constellation of Leo the Pussy Cat |
A new Hu for a new Zodiacal Season: Hu was resurrected in the guise of Leo.
It made sense at the time but down through the millennia it was to cause utter confusion for later generations, as the original Secret of Hu became lost. (See Part 2)
The Sphinx at Giza was no longer considered to be the earthly representation of Hu, God the Creator, the Celestial Sphinx. Rather, the Sphinx at Giza came to represent the Constellation of Leo, the substituted deity.
On the earlier sky charts of the lost Constellation of Hu, the Celestial Sphinx, he appears to face towards the West. In contrast, the Constellation of Leo appears to face towards the East. This is an optical illusion. Also Hu is clearly a picture, as to a certain extent is Leo the Pussy Cat. Leo the Lion however is a representation.
Further contributing to the confusion, Hu's title "Giver of Life in the Beginning" was usurped by Osiris.
Hu: Giver of Life in the Beginning. This title was usurped by Osiris.
In the hieroglyphs for Hu's title "Giver of Life in the Beginning" the Lion, the Hemisphere, and the Pillar denote "the Beginning". (See Part 2)
These three hieroglyphs of the Lion, the hemisphere and the Pillar are a "Treasure Map" which discloses that there is a pillar and a cavern beneath the Sphinx. Concerning the Pillar, according to tradition knowledge from a previous Age is recorded on a Pillar so that the knowledge is not lost. The Pillar should not be difficult to find since its location is clearly indicated on the set of three hieroglyphs! Concerning the Cavern, that is probably where the Lost Secrets of Hu are stored for posterity.
Having said that, remember that the Pillar can primarily be considered in terms of the Axis Munde, the Hemisphere in terms of the Mound and the Lion in terms of Hu, the Celestial Sphinx … all of which encode the Sacred Knowledge of Creation and the Precession of the Equinoxes. The Hall of Records can be found in the heavens. (See Part 1) The "Treasure Map" indicates that there is a physical Hall of Records beneath the Giza Sphinx in addition to the Celestial Hall of Records.
Thoth was the Keeper of the Secrets, the Keeper of the Records.. It will be recalled that in the Osiris Legend (See Part 4) Osiris was Thoth's master, and in this capacity, having usurped the role of Hu, he was both God and the source of all knowledge in Ancient Egypt. Moreover, in the same legend, Osiris was personified as a Pillar. It was Thoth, who was credited with having introduced all the arts and sciences, including astronomy and hieroglyphs, to the Ancient Egyptians
Thoth: the Keeper of the Secrets
However the Secrets of the arts, sciences, astronomy and hieroglyphics were not for the commoner to know about or understand because these were considered to be the ultimate Sacred Subjects, whose Sacred Secrets were fit only for the ears of the elite in remote Ancient Egypt.
Throughout all civilizations Knowledge has been considered Sacred and as such it was made available only to the elite few. It was no different in, for example, England … until about a hundred years ago, when education was made available to the masses.
Sacred Knowledge
The First Age of Leo, dawning on June 21st 10948BCE, is an example of the Sacred Knowledge pertaining to the Precession of the Equinoxes. In the Calendar Year of the Ages of the Zodiac the First Age of Leo dawned on the Summer Solstice. Almost six and a half thousand years later, on September 21st 4468BCE, the Fourth Age of Taurus dawned on the Autumn Equinox.
The Winter Equinox in this Precession of the Ages of the Zodiac is due to occur on December 21st 2012. The Sun will rise on this Winter morning to herald in the New Age of Aquarius.
The Age of Aquarius: the Water Bearer pouring the Water of Life out of the Urn.
Looking at this Precessional Cycle of the Equinoxes the "three in one" concept becomes clear. Within each "Season" there are three Ages. Within each "Season" there is a "Trinity" or "Triad of Ages".
Clearly the prime concern of the remote Ancient Egyptians was the Precession of the Equinoxes, and with meticulous care they encoded the information on to the Narmer Plate.
For those readers who may still have their doubts that the Ancient Egyptians were responsible for the creation of the constellations in the night skies, the Great Architect of the Universe left his signature of the catfish and the chisel! Nermer was the Great Architect of the Universe. |
The Catfish "Ner" (Constellation of Taurus) |
The Chisel "Mer" (Constellation of Lepus) |
All of the evidence points to the Ancient Egyptians being the progenitors of civilization. They discovered the Great Secret of Precession and its associated geometry. Moreover they invented hieroglyphs, cuneiform writing and mythology as a vehicle for perpetuating and concealing Secrets. They determined 360 degrees in a circle and created the twelve signs of the Zodiac, each of 30 degrees. The remote Ancient Egyptians created the constellations of our night sky as their legacy … lest their Sacred Knowledge, their Secrets, be lost.

The Nermer Plate: encoding divisions of 30 degrees
The Ancient Egyptians' knowledge of geometry and Precession is clearly demonstrated on the Nermer Plate. The centre point is the tip of the White Leo/Gemini Crown. Line One is through the Club. Line Two bisects the Crown. This creates four angles each of 90 degrees. Line Three is the horizontal at the tip of the Crown. Line Four is the vertical through the tip of the Crown. Already the formation of angles of 30 degrees can be observed. The tip of the White Leo/Gemini Crown becomes a dot within a circle; the Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph for Ra and the concept of Precession. It is the pinnacle of the Axis Munde around which the heavens appear to revolve. (See Part 5) A revolution through the heavens of twelve 30-degree segments can take one year or, in the case of Precession of the Ages of the Zodiac, 25920 years. The division of the heavens into twelve 30-degree segments gives the appearance of a starburst. A further division into 15-degree segments creates the 24-hour day.
Footnote … subtle references to Freemasonry are intentional.
Copyright Audrey Fletcher 1999
All rights reserved
Adelaide, South Australia