The Narmer Plate, Baal and the Beltane Festival
Ancient Egyptians and the Constellations: Part 15
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From Egypt to Syria: The Beltane Festival
The Syrian counterpart of the Giant Nermer/Osiris/Orion was Baal. It will be remembered that in the Osiris Myth the chest in which Osiris had been borne down the Nile eventually came to rest on the Phoenician Coast in Syria, and that the Phoenicians were also known by the more familiar title of Canaanites. (See Part 4) As was noted, this was a later insert to illustrate that the Ancient Egyptian culture was adopted by the Phoenicians when Phoenicia was brought under Egyptian control. Syria was a daughter culture of the Ancient Egyptians and legend recalls that the earliest inhabitants of Canaan were a race of Giants.
Statues of Baal show him in the stance of the Giant Orion/Nermer/Osiris and wearing the Leo/Gemini Crown. His relationship to the Giant on the Nermer Plate is clearly evident. In the Canaanite Stele on the left, dated around 1800BCE, Nermer/Orion/Baal has acquired a third arm to accommodate the man with the axe who has adopted the position of the Gemini Twin. In his left hand Nermer/Orion/Baal is holding the Tree of Life in place of Orion's Bow. The Water of Life, Nun, is illustrated beneath his feet. What appears to be a leaf attached to his Crown is in fact a bull's ear, representative of the Dawn of the Age of Taurus which was previously celebrated on the Narmer Plate. The people of Canaan were clearly aware of the symbolism but they were unable to interpret the esoteric meaning. They lost the plot!
The Baal Cult was associated with the Bull. Baal's story is recounted in the Baal Myth, which concerns a crisis in the Autumn Equinox. He was the god who died and rose again. Clearly this is a reference to the Dawning of the Age of Taurus on September 21st 4468BCE (using the Gregorian Calendar).
Unfortunately, as the original Sacred meaning of his myth was lost Baal became the seasonal god of vegetation, dying in the Autumn and having his resurrection in the Spring. This resulted in the Beltane Festival being held in Spring instead of Autumn. A Spring resurrection displays a total misunderstanding of the original stellar myth. (It was from the god Baal that the name Beltane is derived. More on this later.)

As the original Sacred meaning of Baal's myth was lost he became the seasonal god of vegetation.
The Beltane Festival: From Egypt to Syria … via Babylon.
Not only was the Ancient Egyptian culture readily assimilated by the Phoenicians, so too was that of Sumeria. The result was not only a fusion of cultural beliefs, but also confusion, which resulted in the loss of the original meaning of the Baal Myth.
The god Bel, from whom the Beltane Festival derives its name, was the Ancient Babylonian counterpart of the Syrian Baal.
"Bel" is translated with the titles "Lord" and "Baal". "Baal" is sometimes represented as "Ba-al". Babylon was a village in c2230BCE when Ur was a city. "Babylon", is the Greek rendition of the Hebrew word "Babel", and is translated as both "Confusion" and "Gate of Bel".
The "Confusion" aspect is recalled in the story associated with the Tower of Babel and the confusion of languages. The following will explain the confusion.
"Gate of Bel" translates as "Gate of the god Bel". Originally however, it would seem that Bel was not the name of the god. "Ba-bel" was confused with "Bab-il". They both sounded the same when spoken, as in the English word "babble", but when written down the name of the god was changed, with the result that the god "il" became known as the god "bel". Or perhaps it happened the other way round! "Ba-al" and "Ba-il" are one and the same, and "Bel" would appear to be a diminutive of these. However "El" is the Hebrew word for "God". "Ba-el" means "Gate of God" and "Bel" is also a diminutive of this. Like Baal and Bel, El was also associated with the bull. "Al", "il" and "el" are all references to the same god. The god "il" appears in the Mesopotamian legend of the Flood, the Gilgamesh Epic, as the Great God Enlil. "En" means "god". In a later group of Mesopotamian gods, Enlil was relegated to Lord of the Wind, and Lord of the Mountain. In Ancient Egypt the "Ba" was the Soul.
Certainly our English word "babble" is indicative of the confusion. People do tend to babble on sometimes: "Babble on … Babylon"! Moreover a babbler is a person who tells secrets.
The confusion was a deliberate attempt to maintain secrecy. It was a hoax, a jest, a whole load of bull! The truth is that from Baal and Bel is derived the English word "Bull". The Beltane Festival is the Bull Festival; the celebration of the Dawning of the Age of Taurus! The words "Bel", "Baal" and "Lord" are interchangeable. Indeed the words "Bel", "Baal", "Bull" and "Lord" are interchangeable. The Lord Baal, the Lord Bel and the Lord were all references to the Bull in the Age of Taurus when he reigned supreme in the Ages of the Equinoxes.
Similarly "The Lord" during the Age of Aries was the Ram. This is why there are so many references to the family of the Ram in the Old Testament. "The Lord" during the Age of Pisces, which is soon coming to a close, is the Fish. This explains the allusions to Fish in Christianity.
In the confusion it is easy to overlook the other aspect of "Babel" as "Gate of Bel", "The Gate of God" or the "Gate of the Bull". This is a direct reference to the gateway, or opening, illustrated at the bottom of Side Two of the Narmer Plate, towards which the Bull is running. It was the Gateway to the New Age of Taurus.
"Babel" was the "Gate of Bel" … the "Gate of God". "Babel" was the "Gate of the Bull" … the gateway to the New Age of Taurus.
The very word "Babel" encodes the concept of Precession: the Precession of the Ages of the Zodiac, and in particular the Precession of the Equinoxes of the Zodiac. This was the secret that the Ancient Babylonians sought to maintain: the secret which had been passed down to them from their progenitors, the remote Ancient Egyptians.
The Tower of Babel was the Ancient Babylonian equivalent of the much earlier Egyptian Pyramids, and as such it represented the Tree of Life: it was an Axis Munde. It also represented a mountain. Enlil was Lord of the Mountain. It was the Mound which rose from the Primordial Waters: the land which literally rose out of the Persian Gulf. It was a stairway to the stars and it pointed to the stars. It was the Gate of God; the opening to the Netherworld of the Ages of the Zodiac. Ancient Babylon was a daughter culture of Ancient Egypt.
The Tower of Babel is thought to have been based upon the design of the Ziggurat at Ur.
The Beltane Festival is derived from remote Ancient Egypt via Ancient Babylon and Syria.
A humorous aside: The Bull Baal bellowed to the Bull Bel, "Bulls bellow in their belfry, while in another belfry bells in the shape of bulls' horns bellow".
Find twelve references to the Age of Taurus the Bull.
The Druids and the Beltane Festival
The Beltane Festival was also known as "the bringing down of the Sun". This refers to the astronomical event, which occurred on September 21st 4468BCE when the Autumn (Fall) Equinox of the Sun was in conjunction with the Milky Way. This conjunction initialized the movement of the Sun out of the Age of Gemini and into the Age of Taurus. It is this example of Precession of the Equinoxes which is recorded on the Narmer Plate. It is the Sun's movement out of the Age of Gemini and into the Age of Taurus which accounts for the "Fire" and "Bonfire" aspects of the Beltane Festival.
Tradition tells us that the person who is responsible for introducing religion and culture to Britain was the Celt/Druid Hesus. In this, his role was not unlike that of Osiris, who was the source of all knowledge in Ancient Egypt. (See Part 4) The connection with ancient Egypt however does not end here. Hesus was also known as Hu! (See Part 2)
His very name Hesus/Hu, together with his role, embodies the Sacred Knowledge of the Ancient Egyptians … Hu, the Celestial Sphinx, the Creator and the Precession of the Equinoxes.(See Parts 1-14) |