The Narmer Plate and the Four Standards

Ancient Egyptians and the Constellations: Part 12

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The Four Standards
         The four standards to the left of the Solar Barque and decapitated bodies contain Ancient Egyptian writing, which is not entirely hieroglyphic! This means that at 4468BCE not only were Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs in evidence, but so too was Ancient Egyptian Cuneiform writing!
         Scholars would have us believe that the invention of writing is credited to the Sumerians c3500BCE. The "Kish Tablet" which is used as evidence of this shows crudely formed Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and Cuneiform writing!
         The message on the tablet would seem to be about a man with a fish, in a boat, heading towards the three pyramids. However, assuming that the three Pyramids at Giza were not constructed at the time of the Tablet we need to search for the Sacred Meaning.

kish tablet

The Kish Tablet

         The man with the fish is identified as Nermer: "Ner" from the fish (despite it not being a catfish) and "Mer" from the chisel down in the right hand corner of the tablet. He is wearing an Osiris Beard and is seated in the Solar Barque. As with the Solar Barque imagery on the Nermer Plate, the Kish tablet also encodes the concept of Precession. Nermer is the Lord of Precession.
         To confirm his status as Nermer/Osiris/Orion the god on the Kish Tablet is identified with the three stars in the Belt of Orion and also the Osiris mummy (the "leg" with the "foot").
         The name Nermer is also represented by the three cuneiform wedges … and/or Orion's Belt … and/or the Three Pyramids at Giza … and/or the Constellation of Phoenix … and/or the Osiris Mummy and the Chisel.
         It is noticeable that the Chisel is not unlike the Osiris Beard. Turned upside down it is reminiscent of the White Crown, which was worn not only by Nermer on Side One of the Nermer Plate but also by the Osiris Mummy in his capacity as Lord of the Dead.
         Until now the Sumerian Kish Tablet has been considered to be a form of account keeping: three of this, two of that and one of the other. In reality the Kish tablet is a legacy from the remote Ancient Egyptians concerning Precession.
         The spoken language of the Ancient Egyptians was also unique. Having said that, it does share some vocabulary and semantic similarities with the Sumerians, but that is because Ancient Egyptian is the Parent Language of the Sumerians!

         The information conveyed by the standards is not only about Osiris, it also re-enforces the themes of the Flood and of the Precession of the Ages of the Zodiac. The latter suggests that the remote Ancient Egyptians connected the Precession of the Ages of the Zodiac with climatic changes.

four standards

The Four Standards

         North Africa was affected by the Global Warming which set in motion the end of the Ice Age. The meltdown is estimated to have begun around 16000 BCE. The Age of Libra began in 15268 BCE. This is during the Springtime of the Ages of the Zodiac: the Winter snows were melting. There was massive flooding on a global scale caused by the meltdown as well as torrential rains caused by the nature of the Water Cycle. North Africa experienced first the floods, and later the torrential rains due to the high humidity. Gradually however the Global Warming created a hot dry climate in North Africa which in turn caused the Flood waters to recede and eventually dry up. The land continued to dry out and over time the once lush vegetation became what is now known as the Sahara Desert. The River Nile became the main water supply.

The First and Second Standards
         Working from right to left the First and Second Standards are of a bird sitting on what looks like a set-square, which is the Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph for "Pharaoh". The word "Pharaoh" which we use today actually comes from the Hebrew, meaning "Sun". Incredibly "Par" or "Peor" also means "Opening" and "Mountain". The words "Sun" and "Opening" and "Mountain" are immediately associated with Precession of the Equinoxes. (See Part 10)

second standard
first standard
Second Standard
First Standard

The "set-square" is an Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph for "Pharaoh".
A "Hawk on a Standard" is an Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph for "God".

         I have translated the First and Second Standards as: "(Osiris) God and Pharaoh of the Waters of Nun, God and Pharaoh of the Two Lands, God and Pharaoh of Precession.".
         The Ancient Egyptian symbol for the Waters of Nun, the Flood, is on the vertical of the set-squares. They look like Nileometres or even the flood markers which we use here in Australia! The Ancient Egyptian cuneiform referring to Two Lands is on the horizontal arms. They are the two big triangles. In Ancient Egyptian Mythology, Osiris was known by the name "Lord of the Two Lands". The bird is the Hawk, Heru or Hu, representing the Sun in the Precession of the Ages of the Zodiac. In hieroglyphics the hawk on a standard represents "a god" and is interchangeable with the axe (or flag) glyph. The axe (or flag) glyph is clearly evident in these First and Second Standards.
         In the context of the Precession of the Ages of the Zodiac, the Two Lands refers to the mountainous East and West Banks of the Nile. The Flood refers to the River Nile. In Ancient Egyptian Mythology Osiris was known by the title "Lord of the Land on each side of the Celestial Nile".
         The Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph representing "Dawn", the rising of the Sun above the mountains or horizon, is found in the top panels, the Chiefs, of the Nermer Plate. (See Part 8)


The hieroglyph beneath the catfish and the chisel not only represents
a temple, it is also an Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph representing
Dawn, the rising of the sun above the mountains, or horizon.
In this case it represents the Dawn of the Age of Taurus.

         The hieroglyphs above are profiles of the River Nile running between the two sets of mountains. The Dawn of a New Age of the Zodiac is symbolized by the Sun rising between the two sets of mountains, and above the floodwaters of the River Nile. This is the conjunction of the Sun moving through the Sacred Gateway or Portal into the next Age of the Zodiac.

The Third Standard
         The Third Standard illustrates rejuvenation after the Flood: Resurrection

third standard



The Third Standard

         I have translated the hieroglyphs on the Third Standard as "(Osiris) God of the Hall of Judgement, God of the Land of the Dead and God of the Resurrection".

         The symbol for the Lotus Tree of Life is growing out of the receding floodwaters, which is symbolized by the elongated raindrop. Also evident is a dog, which represents the Ancient Egyptian Jackal-headed god, Anubis.
         Significantly, Anubis had ebony skin and the head of a black jackal, emphasizing his African origin. According to legend, Anubis was the son of Osiris. As his mother Nephthys, who was sister to Osiris, abandoned him when he was born Isis, sister of Nephthys and sister/wife of Osiris brought him up.
         It is Anubis who is credited with the invention of the Funeral Rites recorded in the "Book of the Dead". It was Anubis who wrapped up the body of Osiris in mummy bandages, thereafter gaining him the name of "Lord of the Mummy Wrappings".
         In the Hall of Judgement, over which Osiris presided, Anubis weighed the heart of the deceased against the Feather of Truth, Ma-at.
         Osiris wore Two Feathers of Truth. Together, these Three Feathers of Truth form the fleur de lis. The "raindrop" can also be interpreted as Osiris in his Mummy wrappings. His crown is the fleur de lis, the Tree of Life representing the Axis Munde. (See Part 6)

The "raindrop" can also be interpreted as Osiris
in his Mummy wrappings. His crown is the fleur de lis,
the Tree of Life representing the Axis Munde.

         After his sister-wife Isis had given him proper burial rites Osiris became "The Lord of the Land of the Westerners". The "Land of the Westerners" is another term for the "Land of the Dead" because the Dead were always buried on the Western Bank of the River Nile; the side on which the Sun set and entered the Netherworld.

The Fourth Standard
         The Fourth Standard repeats the image on Side One of the Plate of a bird carrying a twig in its beak, recalling the Flood and the subsequent rejuvenation of the land of Egypt.

fourth standard
Bird with a twig
The Fourth Standard

         The bird's tail on the Fourth Standard is comprised of young plants, a sign that vegetation is taking root again. However this stylized bird on a standard is also a hieroglyph for a god. The bird's feathers on its body are the Lotus symbols for the Tree of Life and Cuneiform symbols for Two Lands. The bird's beak is of paramount importance as it contains the hieroglyph of the catfish, "Ner", thereby identifying the god represented.
         The hieroglyphs read: "Nermer, God of the Flood, God of Rejuvenation and Resurrection, and God of the Two Lands".
         Traditionally "Two Lands" is the name given to Egypt, and it is explained in terms of the geographical Upper and Lower Egypt. In Pre-Dynastic times however, there was no Upper and Lower Egypt in this sense.
         The geographical "Two Lands" of Ancient Egypt were "The Red Land" and "The Black Land". The Red Land was called "Djeseret", meaning "Red Desert" (from which the English word "desert" is a direct derivation) and The Black Land was called "Kemit", meaning "black silt of the Nile left after the Inundation". Remember that in Ancient Egyptian Mythology, Osiris was known by the name "Lord of the Two Lands".
         Referring back to the glyphs for "Nermer", the catfish and the chisel: the catfish is emblematic of the Black Land while the chisel is emblematic of the Red Land. Catfish live in the muddy waters of the Nile, and the chisel is used to cut and shape the red sandstone of the Red Desert; like the Sphinx, for example. This indicates that "Nermer" was possibly the original name given to Ancient Egypt. "Nermer: the Two Lands".
         "Nermer" also means "Lord of the Two Lands" and as already established, "Nermer" is the Pre-Dynastic name of Osiris. Moreover, it is confirmed in Ancient Egyptian Mythology that Osiris was known by the title of "Lord of the Two Lands" as well as "Lord of the Land on each side of the Celestial Nile".
         It is noticeable that, as with the man carrying the axe, the King of the Seven Stars, on Side One of the Nermer Plate, once again there are seven stars indicated on this Fourth Standard by the seven small lotus flowers.
         Translating this stellar imagery to Nermer/Osiris/Orion as "Lord of the Two Lands" it is discovered that the constellation of Orion, which is characterized by seven main stars, is the Lord Nermer/Osiris, the two Lands and the celestial Egypt.


The constellation of Orion.
Characterized by seven main stars,
Orion is the Lord Nermer/Osiris,
the Two Lands and the celestial Egypt.

(Continued in Part 13)

Footnote … subtle references to Freemasonry are intentional.

Copyright Audrey Fletcher 1999
All rights reserved
Adelaide, South Australia

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