The Narmer Plate and the Substituted Secrets

Ancient Egyptians and the Constellations: Part 10

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Sirius: the King of the Seven Stars
         To the Giant's right, a man carrying an axe has taken off his sandals because he is metaphorically standing on holy ground. (This same idea is reworked in a later version of this celestial myth; that of Moses and the Burning Bush.) Remembering that the Giant is Nermer/Osiris/Orion, and that from the Osiris Legend it was learned that Osiris is God, then the man carrying the axe is standing on the right hand of God.

man carrying axe

The man carrying the axe is standing
on the right hand of God.

         The Axe is a symbol of his kingship, as is the vase-like glyph of his name, which appears to the side of his head and as a container in his right hand. The vase-like glyph is possibly the symbol of his throne. The flower, which is divided into seven segments, discloses that he is the "King of Seven Stars". The centre of the flower with seven petals represents the star Sirius. The seven petals represent the seven minor stars surrounding Sirius. The King of the Seven Stars is in fact a personified portrayal of the constellation of Canis Major.

canis major
King of the Seven Stars
The Constellation of
Canis Major

         In the above representation, the star Sirius becomes the King's head. The body, legs and left arm of Canis Major become those of the King. The axe of the star system is lying in a horizontal position. The container held in the King's right hand is evident in the three stars on the right hand side of the body of Canis Major.
         Around his neck Sirius, the "King of the Seven Stars", is wearing the double tau, the "pi" symbol. From the Tau hieroglyph in the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead it is clear that "Tau" means "holy or sacred gate" or "holy or sacred opening". The five-pointed star denotes the word "sacred".
         The reason the five-pointed star was considered "sacred" was because it was a symbol which encoded the Secret of Precession. The number of degrees around the centre-point of the star (360) divided by the number of arms of the star (5) renders the number seventy-two ... which is significant in terms of astronomy. (See Part 4) Seventy-two is the number of years that it takes for the sky bodies to appear to move through one degree of their cycle.
         When the seventy-two years are multiplied by the three hundred and sixty degrees of the complete cycle, we discover that it takes is 25,920 years for each heavenly cycle to be completed … at which time the process starts all over again. This is the cycle referred to as Precession.

tripple tau
Temple at the top
of the Nermer Plate
Triple Tau: Gates
or Sacred Opening
Triple Tau: The
Temple of Jerusalem

         The Double and Triple Tau represent the plural form of Tau. Visually, when the Taus are joined together horizontally, they represent a temple, as in the hieroglyph between the Taurus Bulls' heads in the chiefs on each side of the Nermer Plate. The vertical trunks of the Taus represent the columns of the Temple. In the Osiris Legend, Osiris was encased in a tree trunk, which was later utilized as a pillar. The pillar of a temple therefore represents Osiris … who has already been evidenced as the Axis Munde in the Djed Pillar; the Pillar of Stability. (See Part 4 and Part 6) Since a Tau is a "sacred gateway, opening or portal", and multiple Taus form a Temple, it follows that a Temple is a gateway, opening or portal: a portal to the Netherworld through which the Sun rises at the Dawn of a New Age of the Zodiac.
         The Triple Tau represents the Temple of Jerusalem. Another name for the Temple of Jerusalem is "Templum Hierosolma", which translates as "Temple on a Sacred Mound". Since a Tau represents a Gateway, opening or portal then the Temple of Jerusalem follows suit … complete with Osirian Pillars! It is through this portal that the Sun rises at the Dawn of a New Age of the Zodiac.
         As discussed earlier in Part 7, the Great Pyramid is also built on a Sacred Mound and, like the Osirian Pillar, it represents the Axis Munde. The Temple of Jerusalem as the Triple Tau, secured within the triangle of the Great Pyramid, is displayed on the Collar pictured below. The Great Pyramid and the Temple of Jerusalem are symbolic of the Sacred Summit, the Axis Munde, and the concept of Precession.


The Collar displaying the Triple Tau, which represents
the Temple of Jerusalem, within the Great Pyramid.
Both are examples of the Sacred Summit "Templum Hierosolma"
… encoding the Secret of Precession.

         By investigating the Nermer Plate, the origin, meaning and purpose of ancient stone Taus and Henges in Britain and Europe has become clear. They originated in remote Ancient Egypt as Taus and they represent Temples, which are gateways for the Sun at the Dawn of a New Age of the Zodiac. Their purpose is to commemorate the Dawn of the Ages of the Zodiac, and in some cases track and predict the Dawn of the next Age of the Zodiac.

The Celestial Sphinx, Hu
         The columns in Ancient Egyptian Temples were also stone representations of the Papyrus plant growing out of the Sacred Mound. On the Nermer Plate the papyrus is growing out of the back of the Celestial Sphinx, Hu, the Ancient Egyptian God of Creation who dates back to 14,000 BCE. (See Part 1 and Part 2)


The Celestial Sphinx, Hu. Sky view from the
Giza Plateau around 11:57pm on July 3rd 14000BCE

(The computer software I used to access this skychart is:
Haney, M.A. Skyglobe 3.5
A Shareware Product of KlassM Software, 1992)
The Celestial Sphinx,

         In celebration of their Dreamtime, the remote Ancient Egyptians had exactly reproduced their Celestial Sphinx, Hu, at Giza in readiness for the July 3rd and 4th 14000 BCE Festival. (See Part 2) Prophetically the Fall of Hu heralded the decline of the remote Ancient Egyptians and their entry into the Dark Ages. During this time only the intellectual elite would have been allowed to be initiated into, and share, secrets of such magnitude … The Secret of Hu as the Giver of Life in the Beginning and The Secret of Precession.
         The Secret of Precession was guarded well and passed down through the millennia. It is a Secret which is applicable to all Ages of the Zodiac. However, as Hu slipped further below the horizon due to Precession, he could no longer be considered by his title of "Hu of the Horizon". As a result his Secret of being "Hu, the God of Creation, the Giver of Life in the Beginning", was lost. This Lost Secret was replaced by a Substituted Secret.
         During the times of torrential rains and floods in Remote Ancient Egypt, the sandstone hill from which the Sphinx was carved would have been a sacred mound surrounded by water … the Waters of Nun. The mound from which the Sphinx was carved came to be considered as the Sacred Mound referred to in the Ancient Egyptian Creation Myth … symbolizing "Creation" and "The Holy Land". The Floods of the Nile symbolized the Waters of Nun.
         By 4468 BCE both the Celestial Sphinx, "Hu of the Horizon", and his terrestrial counterpart the Sphinx at Giza, "Harakhte (Hu) of the Horizon" had come to represent the Sacred Mound rather than Hu, the "Giver of Life in the Beginning". Hu had lost his title, it had been usurped by Osiris. The Substituted Secret of "Osiris as Giver of Life in the Beginning" ensured the total demise of the Lost Secret of "Hu as Giver of Life in the Beginning" … until now.
         This explains why the Sphinx glyph, complete with mound and pillar, meaning "in the beginning" in the hieroglyphs below, would have satisfied the Ancient Egyptians of 4468 BCE.


Hu :"Giver of Life in the Beginning".
This title was usurped by Osiris.

         Several symbols of Precession can be immediately recognized in the inscription above: the ankh, the cross within a circle, Hu, the mound and the pillar. The title of "Osiris: Giver of Life in the Beginning" confirms Osiris as the new Lord of Creation as well as the new Lord of Precession.
         Hu's relegation to a minor deity is clearly evident on the Nermer Plate … compare the size, and associated importance, of Nermer/Osiris/Orion to that of Hu.


The Celestial Sphinx Hu, had been relegated to a minor deity
by 4468BCE. This is confirmed by his size in comparison to the Giant.

The Sphinx and the Bird
         The Sphinx with the papyrus growing out of its back also symbolizes the Delta region of the Nile. For the sceptics who believe that the face on the Sphinx at Giza was carved out around 2450BCE it is noticeable that even as far back as 4468BCE the Sphinx had a human face. In reality the Sphinx at Giza always had a human face, in imitation of the Celestial Sphinx, Hu. (See Part 1 and Part 2.)
         Above the Sphinx can be seen a bird carrying a twig … this is the first record of the Flood Myth. It predates both Gilgamesh and Noah. The reader will remember that by 4468 BCE both the Celestial Sphinx, "Hu of the Horizon", and his terrestrial counterpart the Sphinx at Giza, "Harakhte (Hu) of the Horizon" had come to represent the Sacred Mound surrounded by the Waters of Nun … the Flood.


Above the Sphinx can be seen a bird carrying a twig.
This is the first record of the Flood Myth.
It predates both Gilgamesh and Noah.

         In addition, the bird carrying the twig denotes that the centuries of torrential rain in Lower Egypt had stopped and the floods were subsiding. The hot climate being experienced in 4468BCE is indicated by the mode of dress worn by the players on the Nermer Plate.
         Although the bird is not present on the Northern Winter Sky Chart, (See Part 9) the reader will remember that another bird … the bennu or phoenix represented by the Constellation of Phoenix … lies directly behind the Celestial Sphinx in the night skies. It is logical therefore that the bird on Side One of the Nermer Plate also represents the Constellation of Phoenix.

The Gemini Twins
         The final scene on Side One of the Plate, is of a set of twins racing away from, while at the same time looking back to, the Age of Gemini. This is confirmed by the two hieroglyphs alongside the two running figures.

The Gemini Twins
The Constellation of Gemini

         The first hieroglyph, rectangular in shape, and not unlike the larger semi-circular version at the bottom of Side Two of the Plate, represents the Twelve Ages of the Zodiac. (Up until now hieroglyphs of this nature have been translated as a fortified cities!) The second glyph, with the flower of the papyrus and two "ribbons" is a reference to the fact that the two figures are twins. The twins in the Ages of the Zodiac are the Gemini Twins.
         The closing minutes in the Age of Gemini are at hand. The Gemini Twins are in a race against Time.

(Continued in Part 11)

Footnote … subtle references to Freemasonry are intentional.

Copyright Audrey Fletcher 1999
All rights reserved
Adelaide, South Australia

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