The Narmer Plate and the Sacred Gateway
Ancient Egyptians and the Constellations: Part 11
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Side Two of the Nermer Plate
In contrast to Side One, this obverse side of the Nermer Plate does not record a scene from the night skies. Rather, it records the closing seconds of the Age of Gemini and the Dawn of the Age of Taurus.

The Nermer Plate: Side Two
… recording the Dawn of the Age of Taurus
The Top Panels: The Chiefs
It will be remembered from Part 9 that the chiefs summarize the sacred meaning symbolized on the Nermer Plate. They present an overview of the astronomical event which occurred on September 21st in 4468BCE, when the Autumn (Fall) Equinox of the Sun was in conjunction with the Milky Way. This commemoration of the Dawn of the Age of Taurus is vividly displayed in the presence of the four bulls' heads, two on each side of the Plate. Each bull's head symbolizes the Constellation of Taurus the Bull. (See Part 5)
The chiefs on each side of the Nermer Plate
present an overview of the astronomical event
which occurred on September 21st in 4468BCE
… the Dawn of the Age of Taurus
In the chief on Side One of the Plate, between the two bulls' heads, there is a hieroglyph situated to the side of and beneath "Nermer"; the catfish (ner) and the chisel (mer). As well as representing a temple it is also an Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph representing Dawn, the rising of the sun above the mountains, or horizon. In this case it represents the Dawn of the Age of Taurus. This explanation was taken a step further under "Sirius: The King of the Stars", who is attendant to the Giant, in Part 10.

Side One: The hieroglyph beneath the catfish and the chisel
not only represents a temple, it is also an Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph
representing Dawn, the rising of the sun above the mountains, or horizon.
In this case it represents the Dawn of the Age of Taurus.
I have translated the full pictogram of the catfish, the chisel and the temple/dawn as "The Nermer Festival". Nermer/Osiris/Orion, the Creation Principle and Lord of Precession, is orchestrating and overseeing the beginning of a New Age in the Zodiac.
On Side two of the plate the Sun is risen. The Age of Taurus has begun.
Side Two: The hieroglyph beneath, and to the side of, the catfish
and the chisel not only represents a temple,
it is also an Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph representing
the Risen Sun above the mountains, or horizon.
In this case it means that the Age of Taurus has begun.
The Procession Panel
The Procession panel, which is directly beneath the Chief on Side Two of the Nermer Plate, is meant to be interpreted from right to left. The reason for this is that in Ancient Egyptian art the images always pointed towards the direction from which the interpretation was to be read. If an image faced towards the right, then the message was read from right to left. If an image faced towards the left, then the message was read from left to right. Mirror images were used to accommodate this purpose. The end result, especially on tomb paintings, was balance and harmony … Maat.

The Procession panel.
The meaning is interpreted from right to left.
The Solar Barque
The boat of Ra the Sun, which is referred to as the Solar Barque, can be clearly identified above the ten decapitated figures. Next to the Solar Barque is a hieroglyph confirming that the Solar Barque is the Temple of the Sun. The hieroglyph for "temple" is similar to that in the top panels, the Chiefs, and at this stage it is important to recall its associated meaning as a 'sacred gateway, opening or portal". (See Part 10) The bird is probably a hawk, which symbolizes the Sun. The full meaning of the hieroglyph can therefore be interpreted as "the Sun at a sacred gateway, opening or portal" … which is the definition of the conjunction which occurs at the Dawn of a New Age of the Zodiac!

The Solar Barque and the ten decapitated bodies.
The Sun is at a sacred gateway, opening or portal,
which is the conjunction which occurs at
the Dawn of a New Age of the Zodiac.
Moreover the hieroglyph of the bird and the temple is reminiscent of the bird and the Sphinx on Side One of the Nermer Plate. As that bird was positioned above the back of Hu, the Celestial Sphinx, so this bird is positioned over the temple.

The bird and the Sphinx on Side One is not unlike the
bird and the temple on Side Two of the Nermer Plate.
Since Hu encodes the concept of Precession (See Part 4) it is confirmation that the Solar Barque and its accompanying hieroglyphs also encode the concept of Precession.
The Solar Barque also tells us that the decapitated heads between the legs of the bodies represent the Sun, as the Sun has no body. This is the origin of legends about decapitation. It follows that the Sun is depicted as having had his head chopped off ten times.
Could this possibly be a record that the remote Ancient Egyptians began recording the Ages of the Zodiac ten Ages previously and that the forthcoming Age of Taurus would be the eleventh Age?
This would mean that the remote Ancient Egyptians began observing the Ages of the Zodiac for 21600 years before 4468BCE! Using the Gregorian calendar that gives a date of 26068BCE!
Is this beyond the realms of possibility?
Perhaps it is part of their Dreamtime
incorporated into their collective memory.
(Continued in part 12)
Footnote … subtle references to Freemasonry are intentional.
Copyright Audrey Fletcher 1999
All rights reserved
Adelaide, South Australia