Ancient Egyptians and the Constellations: Part 19 The Grand Design ![]() denotes the position of an Ancient Site. I first discovered this compelling evidence of a Grand Design undertaken by the peoples of the Ancient World in early March 1998. At the time I considered these five-pointed stars neatly arranged across Europe in terms of talismans against a world catastrophe. I now know them to be evidence in stone of the Ancient World's knowledge of Geometry, Astronomy and Precession. As a bonus they give us valuable information as to where to dig for evidence of Lost Ancient Civilizations. I have named my Star Maps of Europe "Sirius", "Blazing Star" and "Venus" for easier identification. ![]() intersection of the five-pointed star is the location of an Ancient Site. Adopting the argument that any five random points can be joined together to form a five-pointed star it could be argued that these star maps across Europe happened by chance. However there are more than five locations pinpointed on each map and each location is situated on a ley. ![]() The importance of Alexandropol, Li Muri and Benghazi as Ancient Sites is evidenced by their inclusion on all three maps. The Five-Pointed Star: the Pentalpha ![]() it is suggestive of a person … a head, two arms and two legs. The five-pointed star was, and still is, considered to be a symbol of the spirit in communion with the four elements of earth, air, fire and water. In the course of his drawings Leonardo da Vinci illustrated this communion by equating the microcosm of a single person, himself, with the macrocosm of the cosmos by staking himself out naked upon an irregular pentalpha … the "as above, so below" principle. At the time this would have been considered to be a very daring version of the crucifixion of Jesus on the Cross … at least by those people who understood the esoteric meaning. | ||
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In this self portrait (centre) dated around 1487 Leonardo Da Vinci (1452 - 1519) is literally and metaphorically standing on the square! As witnessed in a later drawing Leonardo's facial characteristics never changed over the years. Location of sketch: Venice, Academy. The illustration includes three geometric figures: an irregular pentalpha formed by the head, two arms and two legs, a circle and a square. By definition the circle has no angles, no beginning and no end, and as such it represents Eternity, Perpetual Motion and Perpetual Repetition of Cycles. Every point on the circumference of the circle is equidistant from the centre, the dot within the circle. This central point of revolution is referred to as the fifth cardinal direction. It is scientifically impossible for a point on the circumference to materially err from the centre of the circle and vice versa. ![]() the Temple of Jerusalem, within the Great Pyramid. Both are examples of the Sacred Summit "Templum Hierosolma" … encoding the Secret of Precession. A set-square, by definition set at an angle of 90 degrees, is the Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph for "Pharaoh". The word "Pharaoh" which we use today actually comes from the Hebrew, meaning "Sun". Incredibly "Par" or "Peor" also means "Opening" and "Mountain". The words "Sun" and "Opening" and "Mountain" are immediately associated with Precession of the Equinoxes. (See Part 10) |
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The "set-square" is an Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph for "Pharaoh". A "Hawk on a Standard" is an Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph for "God". More than communion with the elements of earth, air, fire and water Leonardo's self portrait represents the Precession of the Equinoxes as outlined in Part 5: The Royal Arch of the Ages of the Zodiac.
The Royal Arch of Precession of the Ages of the Zodiac ![]() The wobble effect is best explained in terms of a spinning top. As the top begins to lose momentum it begins to wobble. The apparent cycle of the Pole Stars over a period of 25,920 years is not the only effect of Precession as viewed from Planet Earth. Another effect with which most of us will be familiar is the apparent movement of the Signs of the Zodiac across the sky on an annual basis. It is reasonable to suspect that most of you reading this will be familiar with the Sign of the Zodiac under which you were born, and many of you will read your stars in newspapers and magazines everyday. You might be an Aries or a Libra. Or perhaps like me you are a Scorpio. ![]() The ensigns of the twelve Zodiacal Constellations, representing the Twelve Ages in the Precession of the Equinoxes, appear to arch their way across the sky as if in royal procession. The beginning of a new Zodiacal Season is marked by the standards of the Lion, the Bull, the Man and the Eagle. The blue dot within the circle is Planet Earth around which the Constellations of the Zodiac appear to revolve. The "Cross" which is formed by the four quarters of the circle takes 25,920 years to complete one revolution. The completion of one revolution is referred to as a Great Year. The "Pi" Ratio: the Golden Mean. ![]() ط = (1 + 5)/2 = 2cos(pi/5) = 1.61803 … and this is the "Golden Ratio". "Pi" and the Ancient Egyptians | |
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The Narmer Plate 4468BC: the King of the Seven Stars is wearing the pi symbol around his neck. The reason the five-pointed star was considered sacred was because it was a symbol which encoded the Secret of Precession as well as the Golden Mean. The number of degrees around the centre point of the star (360) divided by the number of arms of the star (5) renders the number seventy-two … which is significant in terms of astronomy (see Part 4) and Freemasonry. The Five-Pointed Star and Freemasonry ![]() Today it stands for God and Geometry. God, the Creator, in 14000BC was the Celestial Sphinx. It is significant that the final line of the Heavenly G is a straight line and that it passes through the Constellation of Orion, which was considered by the later Ancient Egyptians as being Sahu, the soul of Osiris who represented the Axis Munde around which the heavens appeared to revolve. (See Part 6) More important at this point however is its symbolism as a link between the celestial and terrestrial worlds. A link between God and Man. ![]() the Heavenly G is high in the centre of the night sky. Notice that the Heavenly G does not have the horizontal bar. Interestingly the second question asks who, not what, the G denotes, and receives the correct reply "One that's greater than you." This person is further clarified as being "The Grand Architect and Contriver of the Universe." In other words the person who was responsible for the allocation of the constellation patterns to the night skies, the person who gave pattern and form to an otherwise chaotic cosmos. As we discovered in Part 2 this person can only refer to the Celestial Sphinx, the Creator. In turn the Celestial Sphinx was the brainchild of the remote Ancient Egyptians prior to 14000BC. ![]() found in the Naos of a temple. The Naos, like the oak tree, was considered to be the centre of the universe. Ptah was often depicted raised on a pedestal which was to be found in the Naos of a temple. The Naos, like the oak tree, was considered to be the centre of the universe. Ptah, who usurped Osiris' role as the World Pillar, was symbolic of the Axis Munde around which the heavens appear to revolve. He was the link between the celestial and terrestrial worlds. |
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