The Narmer Plate and Osiris, the Lord of Precession
Ancient Egyptians and the Constellations: Part 9
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Side One of the Nermer Plate: The Northern Winter Skies
Side One of the Nermer Plate clearly depicts the Northern Winter Skies. Many readers will immediately recognise the Northern Winter sky chart, and perhaps even remember some of its associated symbolism, from Part 1, Part 2 and Part 5.
A few readers may even test their skills in deciphering Side One of the Plate, by applying what they have learned from Parts 1 to 5, before reading any further.
However, for those readers who have come directly to this segment without any prior knowledge, I will decipher the Nermer Plate to include a lot of detail and explanation.
The Northern Winter Skies. From top left to right: Gemini and Taurus.
From middle left to right: Canis Minor, Monoceros and Orion.
From bottom left to right: Canis Major, Orion's Chair and Eridanus.
The esoteric meaning of the scenes on the Nermer Plate is best explained by working from the top to the bottom of each side. However in the case of the chiefs, which are the top panels where the bulls' heads are, because they summarize the sacred message on the Plate, I decided to decipher them together. As some of the concepts outlined may prove complex for the novice to grasp, to facilitate an easier understanding of the scenes and symbolism on the Plate, as indicated earlier I have included lots of pictures and explanations.
The Top Panels: The Chiefs
The chiefs summarize the sacred meaning symbolized on the Nermer Plate. They present an overview of the astronomical event which occurred on September 21st in 4468BCE, when the Autumn (Fall) Equinox of the Sun was in conjunction with the Milky Way. This commemoration of the Dawn of the Age of Taurus is vividly displayed in the presence of the four bulls' heads, two on each side of the Plate. Each bull's head symbolizes the Constellation of Taurus the Bull. (See Part 5)
The chiefs on each side of the Nermer Plate
They present an overview of the astronomical event
which occurred on September 21st in 4468BCE
… the Dawn of the Age of Taurus
In the chief on Side One of the Plate, between the two bulls' heads, there is a hieroglyph situated to the side of and beneath "Nermer"; the catfish (ner) and the chisel (mer). As well as representing a temple it is also an Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph representing Dawn, the rising of the sun above the mountains, or horizon. In this case it represents the Dawn of the Age of Taurus. This explanation is taken a step further under "The King of the Stars"
Side One: The hieroglyph beneath the catfish and the chisel not only represents a temple, it is also an Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph representing Dawn, the rising of the sun above the mountains, or horizon.
In this case it represents the Dawn of the Age of Taurus.
I have translated the full pictogram of the catfish, the chisel and the temple/dawn as "The Nermer Festival". Nermer/Osiris/Orion, the Creation Principle and Lord of Precession, is orchestrating and overseeing the beginning of a New Age in the Zodiac. On the obverse side of the plate the Sun is risen. The Age of Taurus has begun.

Side Two: The hieroglyph beneath, and to the side of, the catfish and the chisel not only represents a temple, it is also an Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph representing the Risen Sun above the mountains, or horizon. In this case it means that the Age of Taurus has begun.
A further interpretation of the temple hieroglyph is two thrones facing each other. Each of these thrones is the emblem of Isis, both sister and wife to Osiris. |

Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph : Two Thrones facing each other. |
Temple of Isis at Philae. The hieroglyph for Isis, the Throne, is clearly visible. |
Isis. Sister and wife to Osiris |
The Giant
The Giant represents the Constellation of Orion. In Ancient Egypt Orion was known as "The Soul of Osiris". It follows that The Giant, who is usually referred to as Narmer by Egyptologists after the catfish and the chisel emblems in the chiefs at the top of the Plate, is in fact Osiris, the Lord of Precession … as opposed to Osiris, the Lord of the Dead.
The Giant appears to capture one of the Gemini Twins, perhaps in an attempt to halt the progression into the New Age of Taurus. More likely however he is giving the Twin his blessing in the closing minutes in the Age of Gemini. The scene is reminiscent of a person receiving a Knighthood for services rendered. The one figure represents the set of Gemini Twins since the Twin's body is facing forward towards the forthcoming Age of Taurus, while his face is looking back upon the Age of Gemini.
The Giant represents the constellation of Orion |
The constellation of Orion: the Soul of Osiris |
Osiris: Lord of the Dead |
The omission of Orion's head and legs in the constellation of Orion, illustrated above, is immediately noticeable. It would seem that Orion has had his legs and his head chopped off!
A similar practice was observed by the Knights Templar five and a half thousand years later when they were buried. By adopting this practice the deceased Knights Templar became as one with Orion and, by implication, Osiris. The "skull and crossbones" … Orion's missing head and legs … were also adopted by the Knights Templar as their emblem, their symbol of recognition.
As we shall soon discover, the severed head of Orion is in fact the Sun. Moreover it is the headless Orion which is the source of legends about severed heads.
It is also noticeable that both the Giant and Orion are wearing a belt, an apron and tassels; though in the case of the Giant he is wearing only one tassel. Anyone who was to adopt a similar regalia would also adopt the Orion/Osiris image.
Orion is depicted as using a bow to shoot at Taurus the Bull. This same outline of stars can be seen on the left of the Giant's upper body on the Nermer Plate. Firstly trace the line from the Giant's left hand to the back of the head of the Sphynx. Next continue up to the right elbow of the bird, to its head. The beak is formed by the last two stars at the top of the Bow of Orion. Similarly a crude bow is formed by the outline of the twig and the Sphinx.
Orion using a bow to shoot at Taurus the Bull |
The outline of Orion's bow can be seen held in the Giant's left hand. |
Orion with his bow in his left hand. |
The Giant's crown, the White Crown of Ancient Egypt, is yet another star constellation. It is the Constellation of Taurus the Bull which is positioned immediately above the Bow of Orion! In the star chart below Orion is caught in the action of placing the White Crown on his head. Orion's counterpart, Osiris, is always pictured wearing the White Crown.
The Giant wearing the White Crown of Ancient Egypt |
Osiris is always pictured wearing the White Crown |
Orion placing the White Crown of Ancient Egypt on his head |
Egyptologists associate the White Crown, which the Giant is wearing in the closing seconds of the Age of Gemini, with Upper Egypt. However the Sphinx with the papyrus growing out of its back, indicates the White Crown as being associated with Lower Egypt.
The White Crown |
The Red Crown |
The Giant in the opening seconds of the Age of Taurus (on Side Two of the Plate) is wearing the Red Crown, which is usually associated with Lower Egypt. Clearly there was no Upper and Lower Egypt at the time of the Nermer Plate. This division was imposed later, possibly by well meaning Egyptologists, when the esoteric meaning of the Red and White Crowns was lost. The White Crown, as worn by Osiris, the Lord of Precession, is a symbol of Precession. (See Part 5, Part 6, and Part 7 for other symbols of Precession.)
It is significant that not only is the Giant wearing the Osiris Beard he is also carrying a symbolic sword in the form of a feathery branch of the tamarisk tree, at his right side. It will be recalled that in the Osiris Legend, Osiris was encased in the trunk of a tamarisk tree. This further identifies the Giant as Osiris, the Lord of Precession.
(Continued in Part 10)
Footnote … subtle references to Freemasonry are intentional.
Copyright Audrey Fletcher 1999
All rights reserved
Adelaide, South Australia