Part 1: |
The Hall of Records |
Part 2: |
The Celestial Sphinx: The Lost Word and The Lost Secrets |
Part 3: |
The Celestial Sphinx: More Lost Secrets |
Part 4: |
The Osiris Legend and Precession |
Part 5: |
The Royal Arch and the Precession of the Equinoxes |
Part 6: |
The Osiris Legend and the Tree of Life |
Part 7: |
The Tree of Life and the Pyramids |
Part 8: |
The Narmer Plate is a Sky Chart |
Part 9: |
The Narmer Plate and Osiris, the Lord of Precession |
Part 10: |
The Narmer Plate and the Substituted Secrets |
Part 11: |
The Narmer Plate and the Sacred Gateway |
Part 12: |
The Narmer Plate and the Four Standards |
Part 13: |
The Narmer Plate and the Great Conjunction |
Part 14: |
The Narmer Plate and the Twelve Ages of the Zodiac |
Part 15: |
The Narmer Plate, Baal and the Beltane Festival |
Part 16: |
Giza, the Stellar Observation Deck |
Part 17: |
The Celestial Sphinx and a Sumerian Cylinder-seal |
Part 18: |
From Celestial Sphinx to Celestial Fish: The Age of Aquarius |
Part 19: |
Sacred Stars and Treasure Maps |
Part 20: |
Freemasonry: The Legacy of the Ancient Egyptians |
Part 21: |
Washington, Tyne-Wear, England - What's in a Name? |
Part 22: |
Washington, Tyne-Wear, England - The USA Connection |
Part 23: |
Skara Brae: an Ancient Egyptian Settlement |
Part 24: |
Links |
You can now order a copy of my book “Ancient Egyptians and the Constellations”. |